Volunteer Projects 2021
Volunteer projects are an opportunity for residents to connect with one another and cultivate neighborly relationships. These community projects enhance the beauty and character of Mission Estates and they also strengthen community relations with Sarasota County and local agencies.
Mission Estates is very fortunate to have hard working and committed volunteers who generously give their time and energy to support these projects and the community thanks them all.
July 22: As a result of a collaborated effort with Sarasota County, the flagpole was moved to the pond area near the bench and crane sculpture. Our thanks to military veterans Eddie Fatica, Mike Commons and Dale (Roger) Arabie for their time and effort to move the flagpole to the new location in a very timely manner. Additional information regarding the move is included in the MEHOA & Sarasota County: Flagpole and Sonoma Drive East Buffer Resolution.
March 1: Residents in action and working together to spruce up the neighborhood. This is what community is all about! Thank you to the following volunteers for their time and energy.
- Michael Commons, George Silvia, Don Wright, Kevin Spence, Eddie Fatica, Sue and Don Christner, Craig and Margie Jacobson, Rosanna Walker, Judy Scellato, Ali Buck, Bobbie Chabino, John Rankin, Dale and Donna Arabie, Tom and Nancy Kelly and David Capasso